3 Comments on D is for Dorky

  1. D is for Dorky…

    D is for Dorky. I’m sorry but as an art teacher I just can’t get over the new Democratic Party logo. It has absolutely no design whatsoever. It looks mighty similar to the Skype and Twitter logos or any of the logos for sites like Facebook. I think the…

  2. colinjames says:

    That’s about as imaginative as… the Democratic Party itself. Who would approve a non-design design? It’s so ‘blah’ as to be offensive. The sad thing is, they prrobably spent some enormous amount of time and money to produce a ‘D’ inside a circle. WOW.

  3. snoeleopard says:

    I agree with you, it is worse than bland. My initial reaction to it is perhaps too reminiscent of my views of the party D=0.

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