You are currently browsing the archives for 28 February 2010.
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Hooked on Law and Order

  • Posted on February 28, 2010 at 1:27 pm

The last couple of weekends I find myself searching for “Law and Order” shows on television.  It doesn’t matter if it’s the original Law and Order or the SUV  or Criminal Intent one.  It doesn’t matter which actors are involved.  I admit it.  I am a “Law and Order” addict.  What I don’t get is why and when this happened.  I would rather watch Law and Order than just about anything else on television.  It can even be shows I’ve already seen.  It doesn’t matter.  The shows are essentially the same, you know the cops will eventually get their suspect and the killer is usually one diabolical person that needs to go to jail!

In life I don’t think things are quite this easy and the lawyers and police are as intelligent about solving their crimes.  It doesn’t matter about real life though I’m still drawn to the fake life of Law and Order.  The actors on the show whether they be the “stars” or visiting actors are always top notch and oh so believable.  I really don’t have one favorite.  I like most of them pretty much equally well, so what could possibly be drawing me to this show?

I don’t know anyone that has murdered someone else and I don’t think I’d find them all that interesting to talk to but for some reason stories about murder I find very compelling.  I like to read things by Dan Brown, you know the Da Vinci code guy, and James Patterson which both are consumed with MURDER.  Dan has quite a plot going on and James seems to work with different teams of writers to turn out one formulaic murder after another that some how gets solved.  It’s funny when you think about it.  I’m as straight laced and orderly as you can imagine.  I don’t break the law and I set my cruise control so I don’t get tickets.  I always slow down when I see a police car even though I’m just going the speed limit.  I cross every “T” and dot every “I” because I don’t want to break any rules.  I am so used to following the rules I can’t imagine breaking ANY rules.  Is this why I love to see and read about all of these crazy murders?

One of my favorite shows to watch is the unlikely show of “24”.  I don’t believe in torture at all and think our country has been on a slippery slope that is an embarrassment for what we have always stood for but one year my son and I counted the ways “Jack” killed people on the show.  Both of us love that show for the action and drama.  Fortunately, I can always separate reality from a television drama.  Just because I like these murder and mystery dramas doesn’t mean that I believe our country should be run with torture and lawyers that step on the border of civil liberties.  These are fantasy shows that I find very interesting.  It doesn’t mean I believe in capital punishment or throwing people in the slammer and throwing away the key.  It means something else I’m sure but I’m not sure what.  It isn’t gore that I like.  I used to like to watch those “CSI” shows but now I avoid them.  I can’t stand the gruesome autopsies.  I think that’s just sick.  I don’t need the blood and guts to be drawn into the murder investigation.  I think it’s the characters that really pull me in to Law and Order.  It’s all of the interesting lives from poor to rich but all have murder on their minds.  So I sit here listening to Law and Order and turn the channel from TNT to USA because TNT went to a movie and USA is still playing Law and Order SUV.  I can’t get enough of it and hope it stays on telelvision because I can’t imagine watching another stupid reality show and I think the dogs agree!

I don’t think it will hurt me but this is one addict that is going to keep getting her fix form Law and Order as long as that candy is put on television!