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Delusional Politics

  • Posted on November 28, 2010 at 1:28 pm

Foxy Loxy, ever the politician!

I’ve been busy working on the two courses I’m taking, so I haven’t been able to spend any time on my blog and whatever is on my mind has had to wait.  However, this morning I caught David Stockman, Reagan’s budget director, on Fareed Zakaria’s GPS show.  I know I’m supposed to be cleaning my house, but I’m not highly motivated to do so.  David made me think about “Chicken Little”.  You know the “sky is falling” Chicken Little.  What’s interesting about David Stockman is the fact that it was his policy choices as Reagan’s budget director that probably helped push us down the road to doom and gloom.

Like a born again Christian David has seen the light.  Now we have to change our ways and repent.  He is frustrated with the Republicans pushing those tax cuts and he seems to be even more frustrated by our current leader, President Obama’s lack of fight on this issue.  He says we can’t wait two more years by kicking this tax cut issue down the road.  We are on the road to “Armageddon” according to David.  He wants those tax cuts for the top 2% to just run out and not be extended.  He also wants budget cuts in defense spending and he mentioned Social Security.  He thinks we need strong leadership at this time and we aren’t getting it.  I’ve heard David many times recently and he is given a lot of “talk” time on this issue.  Here is David in his own words:

Since I was thinking about Chicken Little I decided to look up the cartoon on You Tube.  I am so glad I did.  As a kid I don’t remember all of the political under tones of Chicken Little.  If you haven’t watched this cartoon, do so.  It is hilarious because it is very political.

Foxy Loxy is a fox that wants to get into a well protected chicken coop.  He has to find a way in so he can get his dinner.  He decides to consult a psychology book for this endeavor.  Cocky Locky is the head rooster and he is the leader of all these chickens.  He’s well respected and everyone looks up to him.  Chicken Little is a feather brain, playboy.  Hennie Penny is the supreme gossiper.  With all of these characters Foxy Loxy manages to use psychology to trick them.  The funny part is the four things he uses are pretty much like the way political campaigns are run.

Here are the four things Foxy Loxy read that helped him get into the heads of the MASSES!

1)      To Influence the masses, aim first at the least intelligent.  (Oh my head is already spinning considering the last election!)

2)      If you tell them a lie, don’t tell a little one, tell them a big one!  (There are too many to mention here.  What is the truth any more?)

3)      Undermine the faith of the masses in their leader!  (Well, by now we all know that Obama is a SOCIALIST!)

4)      By the use of flattery insignificant people can be made to look upon themselves as born leaders!  (Strangely enough I could put both Obama and Palin in this category.)

Now you have to watch the cartoon but think about politics as you’re watching it!  The video cannot be embedded so you must click on the link to watch it!

Chicken Little

Now that you’ve had a good laugh, we must get serious.  We all know that our country is going to hell in a hand basket.  It’s pretty obvious that we aren’t making much any more.  We buy lots of junk from China and too many people are UNEMPLOYED!  Obviously, those tax cuts didn’t do much good for our economy.  President Bush wanted us to spend money after September 11th.  That’s the way we could be patriotic!  Perhaps we did that but during that time, we didn’t pay for these two wars and now we are having some buyer’s remorse.

Anyone that has had to tighten their financial belt knows that something has to give.  That give should come from the top 2%.  That 98% pays for a lot more than even they realize.  The wealthy get by with small taxes really in proportion to what they make.  In our state governments the 98% are continually paying “fees” that we don’t actually think about as being “taxes”.  We have fees for different licenses that we get from hunting to teaching, to substitute teaching, to automobile, even fishing.  Most of you could probably think of a lot more.  We have to pay fees continually to do just about anything that you can think of from selling our homes to buying our cars.  Those fees are nothing, no big deal, for the wealthy but they can be a hardship for the 98%.  That 98% often times has to even dish out money for special clothes for work like hard boots, and even t-shirts.  None of this is figured in to the cost of their taxes.  Here in Michigan we even have “driver responsibility fees” and those can be devastating for low income drivers.  Those fees aren’t just for drinking and driving either so don’t start thinking they deserve what they get.  Those fees are very high and often times people end up not being able to pay them and pay for their auto insurance.  The point I’m trying to make is don’t feel sorry for the wealthy 2%.  The 98% pay far more than most of them can afford in so many other fees from sales taxes to everything else I have mentioned.

Here's John giving the "thumbs up" and looking so much like Foxy Loxy!

Congress needs to let the tax cuts for the 2% expire for the good of our country.  President Obama needs to lead.  So far in my humble opinion he hasn’t lead anything.  We, as a people, are looking for leadership.  How else can you explain the Tea Party?  We want strong leadership or we will be taken over by the likes of Foxy Loxy, who will tell us some big lie and we will be too stupid to understand the truth!  In the end Chicken Little is too stupid to see the truth and he, being the feather brain that he was, leads the other chickens to their ruin.  We must not fall for the Foxy Loxy types.  Foxy Loxy reminds me of John Boehner.  They both have that same sinister smile and I know John is more interested in his golf game than the 98%.  John wants to sell us all on this tax cut for the 2% but don’t fall for it.  He’s as cunning just like Foxy Loxy and doesn’t deserve loyalty from the 98%.