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Geronimo, Bin Laden and the Progressive Caucus

  • Posted on May 4, 2011 at 10:57 pm

I’ve been really busy this week selecting student artwork for our annual art show held at the Sturges Young Civic Auditorium.  I haven’t had a lot of time to process all of the Bin Laden stuff other than to think about the strange timing of everything, the gory details and how our country seems to be so strangely turned on by the thought of it all.  From my point of view, it is like we are an uncivilized society from the Old Testament.  I have no love for Bin Laden, but I know that our enemy was once our friend.  It seems to me, with Bin Laden dead, our troops should be able to come home and we can stop spending our money over there and start taking care of our fellow Americans here.  Another thing that has struck me as strange is the use of the word “Geronimo” in all of this.  That was so politically wrong by any standard.  Native Americans have been used and abused for years.  Of course with my strange mind, I was taken back to GW.  When I first heard that word I thought, “Oh, my God is Obama another cowboy like Bush?”  Then I got to thinking about why “Geronimo” seemed so odd to me as a choice and it wasn’t just about Native Americans.  If you will recall the Skull and Bones Society that President Bush belongs to you will remember that the skull of Geronimo is said to be at Yale in the “club”.  Now I know that Geronimo’s ancestors have tried to get that skull back but the club has always denied having it.  Here is a video from a few years back that will explain this.

Now who first decided on that code word Geronimo?  From my point of view, it seems like Obama has kept all of the programs alive that Bush started.  Was this name part of that?  I’m just wondering about all of this and of course I have my own unique perspective on things.  Maybe all of you think it’s just a coincidence, but it sure seems strange to me.

When I first started working on this post it was just prior to the White House Correspondence Dinner and I was left wondering why we have a government that is so closely tied to the press while the rest of us are left outside of this fish bowl of complacency.  There were many stars in attendance.  It really was the place to be even if President Obama was very boring to watch.  I watched this video, so you wouldn’t have to.  It’s bad and extremely boring.  If it was supposed to be funny, I guess I didn’t get it.  Watch if you must!  Yes, I know that the press said he was funny.  However, the press says a lot of things that turn out not to be true!

Isn’t it amazing that Hollywood gets a seat at this table?  I guess it is fitting because Hollywood does help produce the propaganda to keep us peons in check.   Since I don’t feel this dinner is really worth my time, I want to write about something that is much more interesting.  If you are like me, you may not have heard about “The People’s Budget”.  We have all heard about Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget proposal and President Obama’s proposal.  Why haven’t we heard about this other budget proposal?  Oh, that’s right; it’s put together by the “Progressive Caucus”.  I didn’t know this caucus even existed.  In my absolute disgust of both the Republicans and Democrats in Congress, I never realized that there really are some people in Congress that think more like me.  For years we have had to hear the proposals of Republicans and Republican “Like” Democrats.  We have been told those are our choices.  There isn’t any other “credible” thinking out there.  However, there is another plan and it’s definitely worth looking at.  Of course the war mongers and war money makers won’t like this plan because it means we would get out of the current wars.  We will invest in education and get a public option for health care.  Imagine that!  Rachel lets the cat out of the bag when she explains how this proposal isn’t covered by the main stream media for a reason.

If you are thinking like I do, you probably want to know more about the specifics of this proposal but you also are sick of what’s happening in Washington on a daily basis.  The two parties really go at it when they are in front of camera trying to convince us peons out in the real world that they are working so hard for us and that they just don’t get along.  Then the correspondence dinner comes around and you realize that they are really buddies and friends.  It’s the reason that James Carville can marry Mary Matalin and live happily ever after while the rest of us scratch are heads at the pairing.  You can read the basic proposal here.

On Sunday I actually heard Senator Marco Rubio say that the Democrats don’t have a plan and if they don’t like Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan; they should get one of their own.  His implication was that the only plans out there are the Ryan plan and President Obama’s plan.  I guess he didn’t know about the People’s Budget.  It seems to me that he should be more informed than he appears to be.   I found out about it online and I’m no senator.  I really think it is time to pressure our Congress and the President to bring our troops home.  I also would like to know what’s up with the CIA and what’s the plan for all of those Middle Eastern leaders?  President Obama says we aren’t against Islam and Muslims, but it sure seems like they are all in our gun sites.