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Grandma’s Got My Purse or Senile Republicans on a Rampage

  • Posted on May 14, 2011 at 4:16 pm

Do you really want someone like the character Cloris Leachman plays on Raising Hope to be in charge of the federal government purse strings?

I was thinking about the House of Representatives recently.  The Republicans just keep blasting on and on about the budget deficit, even though they didn’t seem to care about it Christmas time when they extended the Bush tax cuts.  Friday morning when I was listening to the Morning Joe show I had this flash of the Republicans actually being a senile grandmother.  It’s like this.  You give your purse to your senile grandmother to hang on to thinking that’s a safe place.  After all what can she do?  Well, when you’re not looking, she hides the damn thing.  You’re stuck searching everywhere for that damn purse.  You’ve got these bills that are due and you are beside yourself wondering how you’re going to pay them.  When you ask her about it, she seems rather clueless, just like those Republicans.  They hold the purse strings and so now we have a do nothing Congress that seems to be doing quite a bit of damage to the middle class.

Rep. Duncan Hunter from California says, “It’s time to trim the fat.”  Yes, he’s talking about education, not oil companies or defense!

Over in the Senate things aren’t much different as Sen. Mitch McConnel is busy attacking Medicaid and Medicare.

This morning I had to fill my car with gas at $4.13 99/100 a gallon.  I’m not complaining for me on this one because I haven’t been filling my gas tank too often this year.  I’m so busy with the online courses I’m taking that I don’t have time to drive any place special.  I can’t imagine the rest of you that are driving great distances to work with the cost of gas hanging over your heads and the stagnant paychecks.

For most of us, all of this is a no brainer.  With Bin Laden dead, it seems to me that we should get out of these three wars that we have found ourselves in.  Of course the “money makers” and those “job creators” want no such thing.  While major companies continue to profit off the wars, I find myself reminiscing about an old song that seems to fit today.  Take a listen and think about what we’re fighting for.  I’m so tired of that Bushism, “We’re fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them here.”  Another one we are always told basically is that “freedom isn’t free”.  As we continue to give up our rights in this country and go down that rabbit hole of confusion about what’s really important in our lives; we should stop and think about what all of this is doing to our country, our way of life and our standard of living.  It seems the rich just keep getting richer and the poor; well you know what’s going on there.  The rest of us are holding onto our jobs by a prayer and a whim and hoping this too will pass.